Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Pokéach ivrim

It's the same thing
every spring

I tell myself that sometimes
I think too much

"Stop daydreaming
Stop worrying
Or the whole spring will pass you by
and you won't even notice it

Shut your mind

And open your eyes

Look at the crocuses, yellow and purple
Look at the daffodils, regular and mini, yellow, yellow-and-orange, white
I think those are called lilacs, in shades of purple
Look at those gorgeous mauve flowers
I'm pretty sure they're called azaleas
And my favorite minyannaire says that the yellow flowers on the bushes are forsythias

Look at the trees blossoming on "the Avenue" in our neighborhood, on the way to the subway
Look at the tiny leaves, bright green
Stop, look at that bush!
If you don't stop, you'll miss the teeny leaves, still chartreuse, and the teeniest barely-budding flower buds

Enjoy the sun, shining on your face

Look, before you miss the opportunity to see that "milo chol ha-aretz kovodo," the whole earth is full of His glory"
before you miss a chance to say
"Baruch sheh-kacha lo b'olamo," Praised is the One who has such things in His world

"Baruch pokéach ivrim," Praised is the One who opens the eyes of the blind

Thank You for giving my this season, to open the eyes of someone as blind as I



Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

I'm sorry for responding so unseriously to a beautiful poem, but pokéach makes me think of Pokémon!

Tue Apr 04, 08:40:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...


Gesundheit. :)

You're hopeless, Steg. :)

Tue Apr 04, 10:08:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

I'm one of those silly people who gets embarrassed by compliments, but enjoys them anyway. So, um, aw, thanks. I'm happy that I can add some sunshine to your space.

Sun Apr 09, 09:08:00 PM 2006  

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